Buenos Dios, Senor!

I am struggling to learn another language. Spanish. I know, some of you learned it in high school. Others learned it growing up. And some of you have Spanish as your first language. But I’m struggling. Call it an old dog learning new tricks or just say Baer’s slow or I thought anyone could learn…

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Where Are the Really Stupid Things We Do?

Big wastes are usually easy to find. It’s the millions of stupid little things we do that really add up and manage to fly under the radar. Like today. I just got a check in the mail (postage—44 cents, letter and envelope—40 cents, typing and time to mail–$4) from my real estate attorney for TWO…

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Focus in the 4th

Several times this season I’ve seen football teams that were either well ahead or tied at the half and even into the 3rd quarter. Only to see them lose the game in the 4th. Sigh, yes, I’m talking about Tennessee and Ole Miss—my two favorite SEC teams. They lost focus. They failed to realize that…

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A Short History of Social Security—Very Interesting

History Lesson on Your Social Security Card Your Social Security Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (and some older ones) didn’t know this. It’s easy to check out, if you don’t believe it.  Be sure and show it to your kids. They need a little history lesson on what’s what and it doesn’t…

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Get the “Lead” OUT

That’s the way we’ve always done it. They told me I had to do this. I don’t ask questions; I just do what I’m told. Nobody can do it the way I can do it. But my client is too picky. They’ll never go for that. I just need to touch it. I don’t know.…

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The Problem with “Average”

This man is truly amazing! An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class.  That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. …

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Service Edge—Being Proactive

What would happen if our newest customers got an email like this BEFORE we filled their order? Dear  Mr. Baer, I understand you are planning on arriving at the hotel within the next several days. On behalf of the entire team, we are excited you will be staying with us. If there is anything our…

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Boe Knows Sales

From Allen O’Shields… One of the things brought out about my friend, Boe, at his funeral was that he was the ultimate salesman.  He loved to sell.  He owned 4 shoe stores. Here is a brief version of a story that was told by a banker friend of his. After I first met Boe 30…

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