The Decline and Fall (or Will it be Rise) of America

Whether you are conservative or liberal, rich or poor doesn’t matter much for this conversation. I just want to ask you to think about America. Our home. Most of us from any philosophical or political stripe would agree on this—America is in trouble and appears to be in a stall if not a descent. My…

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Government’s Sole Purpose

Why do men enter into society, into an agreed government of any kind (unless they be the victims of some military-totalitarian regime)? Protection! Protection of our lives from invaders and murderers. Protection of our freedom from enemies and slaveholders. Protection of our property from pillagers and thieves. Apart from protection what other reason would a…

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This Election

This election is not about who cares MOST for the oppressed; it is about who cares BEST. I know of NO successful federal programs (let’s see, the War on Poverty is 45 years old and Washington is definitely losing); I know of MANY private and individual efforts that help the poor and create real jobs…

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A libertarian is a person – any person – who consistently advocates individual freedom and consistently opposes the initiation of the use of coercion by anyone upon the person or property of anyone else for any reason. (Coercion is here defined as any action taken by a human being against the will or without the…

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Nation of Fools?

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it figured out. “The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be…

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America–Still Great

From Tom Peters’ blog– Happy Birthday U.S.A. And 3 Throaty Cheers! – The Tom Peters Weblog by Tom Peters on Jul 2, 2010 5:22 PM There is a great deal of soul-searching going on in the United States as our 234th birthday arrives. Though nowhere near the soul-searching that loomed in Independence Hall 234 years…

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Better or Worse?

Ronald Reagan (who I truly miss!) asked as he challenged Obama–I mean Carter, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” The answer was a resounding “NO!” and the Carter economic malaise was thrown out in favor of a free enterprise, pro-business era that lasted from 1980 until 2009 and included Reagan,…

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Pelosi Wins– Small Business Loses

One chamber has chosen (by a majority of 5) to force substandard healthcare and its associated costs on America–especially the already struggling, job engine of small business. It’s time to think about strategies to deal with this burden and its cost. One near term solution is to n migrate from traditional employment to independent contractors…

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