Mike Baer’s Blog
Sick Soldiers
Please pray for Mike W and Perry C who have come back from India quite sick.
Read MoreSouth Asia Team Heading Home
For the next two days, our IMED South Asia Team (John G, Mike W, Perry C) will be working their way home. They served on the border of India and a very closed country to equip national believers to start kingdom businesses and how to use them for church planting in that unreached area. They…
Read MoreGods that are No Gods
On my recent trip to Thailand I ran into this Bhuddist Temple… yet, even in the midst of this pagan worship there is a glimpse of the Truth… The top Chinese character means “righteous”—it is literally two characters “lamb” and “over me.” Amazing!
Read MoreSuccess in the Land of the Pyramids
Will and Steve just returned from North Africa (closed country) where they completed the second year of the Project there. The graduating class was very small but very serious. Pray for Roger and Louis as they launch their kingdom businesses this year in a very hard place.
Read MorePhase 3 in South Asia
Pray for Mike, John, and Perry as they travel to Darjeeling (India) where they will lead a Phase 3 conference with a small group of believers from the neighboring country (B..n). In addition to equipping these eternally minded business leaders, they will also be exploring how to begin the process of turning the project over…
Read MoreZOE International
While I was in Thailand last week I had the privilege to meet with Les J. (one of our IMED partners there). Their ministry (which we are a part of for business development) is amazing—they are totally focused on rescuing young Thai girls from the heart-breaking practice of human trafficking (sex slavery). Pray for their…
Read MoreThailand BAM Trip
I just returned from a trip with Pioneers to Chiang Mai where 80+ folks gathered to further explore the meaning and practical application of Business as Mission. The dialogue was healthy, spirited, and thoughtful. I am encouraged to see Pioneers taking a lead in figuring out how to integrate business into missions. For those who…
Read MoreThailand BAM Conference
I (Mike) leave tomorrow (5/15) for Thailand to present at the Pioneers Business as Mission Conference in Chiang Mai. There will be a gathering of internationals to explore if and how they should be involved in kingdom business in several Asian countries. This is a great opportunity.
Read MoreMore North Africa Updates
Be in prayer for Arthur and Steve as they complete Phase III of the training in “E” this week. Pray also for the small class that will be graduating and launching their kingdom businesses over the next few weeks.
Read MoreNorth Africa Results
With the conclusion of our Phase II in the mountains of North Africa (country M), there are 4 solid businesses ready to start. Unfortunately, a 3-week national strike delayed their actual launch but everyone seems to be taking it in stride. Pray for these 4 brave souls who are seeking to do ethical, kingdom business…
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