Executive and Emerging Leader Development
Executive and Emerging Leader Development is a core component of Jholdas Solutions. Traditional approaches to executive development have usually centered on “events”, i.e. training seminars, retreats, and programs. These “events” are motivational and provide a great way to impart large amounts of information in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, when it comes to bringing about significant change in behavior, this approach is sadly lacking. Professionals simply don’t change behavior because they hear information; they change when the information is specifically integrated into their business environment and into their lives. Jholdas offers a vast array of tools and services to support leadership development.
DISC: The Jholdas Group uses the DISC personality profile tool to help individuals understand themselves and others. This understanding is a key to working well in teams and being able to communicate with and motivate others effectively.
Harrison Assessment: Based on enjoyment-performance theory, this is the best tool available for determining suitability for a particular role and to identify leadership traits for development.
Individual Coaching: World class athletes have long known the necessity of having a coach if they are to attain peak performance. Look at virtually every area of sports-golf, basketball, baseball, gymnastics to name a few; in every case, stellar performers utilize expert coaching to improve their endurance, technique and, most importantly, results. Why should a business professional or the executive team of a company be any different? Are the rewards for success or the consequences for failure any less important?
Intentional Emerging Leader Development Plans: In most organizations people say the “cream rises to the top”. While true, establishing intentional leadership development plans for emerging leaders Jholdas style will improve and accelerate the process.
Understanding High Performance Teams: Leaders have followers and teams. Often emerging leaders have been ill equipped in life and school to understand what makes teams tick and how to have a high performance and functional team. One aspect of our executive development and mentoring program with teams of leaders is to equip them in understanding and dealing with the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni) and in recognizing the attributes of high performance teams throughout history.
Internal University: Jholdas has implemented a University concept within a number of companies where learning becomes intentionally focused on the areas of critical importance to achieving results within the markets served. These often involve schools of leadership development, technology enhancement, project management, and business development.