Archive for July 2011
How Waste Grows…
It is amazing to me how much waste there actually is in business (ours and others). I mean REAL WASTE. Some of you will remember when I posted about my attorney reconciling his escrow trust and mailing me a check for TWO CENTS. 2. The time, postage, and paper cost was at least $5. I…
Read MoreCompelling Reasons
Why should someone want to see you? Why should they want to put you on their schedule so you can “learn about their company?” Why should they decide to give you an order or to make you their preferred vendor or to let you handle the next project or to turn the other department over…
Read MoreInformation Overload—Beware
Warnings on IOS
Read MoreUnions, Liberty and Success
Recent data from the BLS reveals that the 22 Right to Work states outperformed the 28 Forced Union states in job creation, productivity, individual income and overall economic results by margins ranging from 25 to 40%. So you have to wonder why the administration continues to force unionization wherever it can. Case in point: the…
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