North Africa Team Returns

Our JFBC team has just returned  from North Africa (M) and have reported 6 graduates ready to start their businesses in or around the village of A-Z. Pray for them as they take this step and praise God for the team, led by Craig and George, who have given so much to make this happen.

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ACMC Conference in Philadelphia

This weekend I’m privileged to present 4 times at a conference on Business as Mission. I’m especially encouraged by the number of business people attending who are determined to understand what seamless integration of business as mission actually means and who are striving to know how God would have them connect their business calling to…

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New Territory

How do we decide where to go and where to start the IMED project? There is a simple set of criteria that we use as we think and pray through each decision: 1. We work ONLY in unreached people group areas; others are focused on reached areas and the need is great there also. Nevertheless,…

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North Africa Teams

Two teams have just returned from two different sites in North Africa (E and M). Led by Brandon and Craig, we have gotten great reports about the results and especially the growth of the local believers. Keep this year’s classes in these two countries in prayer.

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The IMED Blogsite…

Easier, quicker, cheaper—that’s why we are switching to a blog for updating supporters and participants in the Jholdas Project. Please remember that this is a relatively public site (although we will be tightening security over time) so be cautious in using names and places.

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