What Do You Want To Be Next Year (When You Grow Up)?

We’ve had an incredible year—tremendous growth, comeback revenue, reactivations, profitability…bonuses. So, what now? Here are some things for each member of the team to think about, for each branch to think about, for each area, region, and corporate department. 1. Why do you think you/we were so successful in 2010? 2. What lessons have you/we…

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Why Is Southwest Airlines the Most Successful of All

Flying a couple of trips this week got me thinking about Southwest Airlines’ continued success and the reasons for it. Here are some of the factors and they are simple and replicable: Value at a price customers like Free baggage No unnecessary frills (do peanuts really matter?) Point to Point routes vs. hub and spoke…

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An Attitude of Gratitude

Over the years, the most successful and happiest people I have known all shared one trait in common—they were incredibly thankful. They had an attitude of gratitude. It’s so easy to complain. To grouse. To compare. To whine. To be unhappy. But stop and think… We live in the greatest country the world has ever…

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The Cool, Overly Elegant Solution

I checked into my flight online in Minneapolis and instead of printing my boarding pass I had it sent to my iPhone. From the received QR code (kind of like a square barcode) I could simply place my screen against a scanner to get through security, into the Crown Room, and onto the plane. Cool!…

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Do They Want to See You?

For many prospects and even customers, a visit from a sales rep is about as welcome as a political ad (and if you are like me you are ready to hurl from so much “advertising”). So why are we so unwelcome? Because we make the call all about us—just like a politician. I’ll do this.…

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Theology for Business

Wayne Grudem, PhD, has written a solid (and short) book entitled Business to the Glory of God. While not focused on the missional aspects of business, Wayne does a great job of providing a biblical foundation for how to think about business in God’s kingdom. A highly recommended read for all kingdom minded entrepreneurs.

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The List

A friend of mine in China saw literally hundreds of his employees come to faith in his factory. He didn’t speak a word of mandarin so he prayed–every day for every employee. And God did the rest. Maybe you should get out your employee list and do the same.

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Business is a Good Thing From God

When we first started teaching business to first generation believers overseas (they had to learn it because they were starving and living at 90% unemployment in the former Soviet Union), we always had to start with a full day session on the fact that business had actually been created by God and it was a…

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Time Wasters and Nice People

I’m a nice person. At least my dog and my grandchildren think I am a nice person. And because I am a nice person I sometimes let people waste my time—just to be nice. Because saying I need to get off the phone or leave a meeting or turn down an appointment seems “not nice”…

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